PRICE LIST for Sussex Physio Pilates Services

effective from 1st April 2024

*Amounts in brackets are from 1st of April 2025*


  • Initial Assessment & Treatment (up to 50 mins) - £70.00 (£70.00)

    Follow-up Appointment (up to 30 mins) - £49.00 (£50.00)

    Follow-up Appointment (up to 50 mins) - £68.00 (£70.00)

  • Initial Assessment/Treatment (up to 50 minutes) - £70.00 (£70.00)

    Follow-up Appointment (up to 30 mins) - £49.00 (£50.00)

    Follow-up Appointment (up to 50 mins) - £68.00 (£70.00)

  • Initial Pelvic Health Assessment (up to 60 mins) - £90.00 (£93.00)

    Follow-Up Pelvic Health (up to 45 mins) - £70.00 (£72.00)

  • Mummy MOT Assessment & Report (up to 75 mins) - £130.00 (£135.00)

    Follow-Up Mummy MOT (up to 45 mins) - £70.00 (£72.00)

  • Initial 1:1 Pilates Assessment (up to 50 mins) - £70.00 (£70.00)

    Follow-Up 1:1 Clinical Pilates (up to 50 mins) - £68.00 (£70.00)

    Follow-Up 1:1 Clinical Pilates (up to 30 mins) - £49.00 (£50.00)

    1:2 Clinical Pilates (up to 50 mins) - £75.00 = £37.50 each (£77.00 = £38.50 each)

  • each 1-hour class - £13.00 (£13.50)

    (run and paid for as a course)

    • These are our prices for appointments at our Sussex Physio Pilates practice in South Street, Tarring, BN14 7LH.

    • All fees are payable at the time of treatment by card, or in advance by BACS (your online banking app).

    • A receipt can be given for claiming treatment costs back from your Health Insurance.

    • It is the patient’s responsibility to check their appointment details are correct. If the appointment details are incorrect on the confirmation and reminder emails you receive, please contact us straight away, so we can update or reschedule the appointment to a suitable time. You could incur a Missed Appointment Fee if you fail to turn up to an appointment.

    • Please note all Online appointments are priced the same as Face to Face appointments.

    • If you are feeling unwell (we love seeing our clients, but we really don't like colds), please call now on 01903 256 500, to reschedule your appointment.

  • In the interest of fairness…. It is standard policy that the full treatment fee is charged for missed appointments, or cancellations with less than 24 hours notice (unless your appointment slot can be filled by another patient).

    • You need to contact your Health Insurance provider beforehand and provide us with an authorisation number for that treatment and we can add this to any invoices, so you can claim your fees back from your insurance company.

    • Please note for AXA clients, all appointments are up to 30 minutes in duration.

    • Please note for all insurance clients, only one appointment can be had on any one day. Sorry, not our rules!

    • Your space on a class is only secured, once payment has been received by us.

    • If a course has already started, we will happily charge pro-rata for what is left.

    • No class credits or refunds are given if you miss a class, as your mat is still empty. If we have space in a different class elsewhere during that week, we will try to offer you that space.

    • Please note; if you're new to Pilates, or are symptomatic, you will require a 1:1 Pilates Appointment before enrolling on a course.

    • All participants need to complete a Health Questionnaire.

    • Your space in a workshop is only secured, once payment has been received by us.

    • No refunds are given if you cancel your place within 7 days of the workshop (unless your space can be filled by another patient).

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