Health Checks

You can have an NHS Health Check if you're aged 40-74 and you haven't had a stroke, or don't already have heart disease, diabetes or kidney disease.

If this applies to you, you can expect to receive a letter from your GP or local authority inviting you for an NHS Health Check every five years.

You don't have to wait for an NHS Health Check to learn more about taking care of your health. You can find information about most health conditions and how to have a healthier lifestyle on the NHS Choices website, or why not book in with one of our Physiotherpaists for a general MOT.

BMI Calculator

Use the BMI calculator to see whether you're a healthy weight for your height. If you're overweight, it will also tell you what your daily calorie range should be to help you lose weight.

Falls Prevention Exercises

Older People’s Day animation demonstrates a series of exercises (from the Get Up and Go guide) to build strength and balance in order to prevent falls. We hope it will help raise awareness amongst older people of the benefits of exercise and the role of physiotherapy in falls prevention.